Programming Primer

Programming Language

Output is what is what is displayed on the screen when running a program(text, images, videos, etc.)

Properties control objects. They control the colour, text, size and more.

Variables are items that are stored in the RAM so that the program can refer to them and use them.

Input is what the user types into the program to get the output.

How To Create A Program

To create a windows forms application:

To create a console program:

How To Create Outpout

in your windows form application do the following:

drag and drop a label and a button onto your form

in the properties rename your label to lblOutput

between the braces type the following

lblOutput.Text = "text";

start the program and press the button to view the text

in your console program write the following:




Declaring and Initializing Variables


Boolean blnVar;

blnVar = true;


Int 32 intVar;

intVar = -47;

Floating Point(double, decimal number)

Double dblVar;

dblVar = 13.653;


String strVar;

strVar = "text";

Getting Input

Console Input


Windows Form Input

int x;

int.TryParse(txtInput.Text, out x);


int x = (int)nudInput.Value;


double x;

double.TryParse(txtInput.Text, out x);


double x = (double)nudInput.Value;


Adding and Subtracting

Int32 x = 2;

Int32 y = 1;

Int32 = adding;

adding = x + y;

Console.WriteLine(String.Concat(x.ToString(), "+", y.ToString(), "=", adding.ToString()));

Int32 subtracting;

subtracting = x - y;

Console.WriteLine(String.Concat(x.ToString(), "-", y.ToString(), "=", subtracting.ToString()));


Multiplying and Dividing

Double x = 5.65;

Double y = 7;

Double multiplying;

multiplying = x * y;

Console.WriteLine(String.Concat(x.ToSTring(), "*", y.ToString(), "=", multiplying.ToString()));

Double dividing;

dividing = x / y;

Console.WriteLine(String.Concat(x.ToString(), "/", y.ToString(), "=", dividing.ToString()));


Concatenating Strings

Concatenating strings connects words by using String.Concat()

String strType = "Chicken Noodle";

String strFood = "Soup";

Console.WriteLine(String.Concat(strType, " ", strFood));


McTavish, Ian. C#. Workbook. N.p., 1 Sept. 2014. Web. 29 Sept. 2014. .

"Visual C# Resources." Visual C# Resources. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Oct. 2014. .